Arnouts Insurance has been serving drivers, homeowners and small businesses in Grand Ledge and the Lansing area since 1999. We can develop a custom insurance plan for your auto, home or business. Our agents live and work in the Lansing area and we know Grand Ledge! From Cugino's to the excellent Comet high school athletic programs, Grand Ledge is a fantastic community. We are here locally to help you.
Insurance can be confusing, especially with some of the new auto no-fault laws that were passed in Michigan. Our licensed agents can talk you through all of the aspects of insurance and the various coverage options that you may be interested in. Our goal is to find a carrier and plan that work for you, and not have you pay for a plan that doesn't fit your lifestyle. Our carriers include locally owned Auto-Owners, as well as other major national carriers. We can discuss the various liability and exposure options that can help you gain the right insurance protection at the best rates possible.
We know Michigan, and we know leisure in Michigan. We offer specialty insurance programs to protect your boat, camper or RV. Have a place up north? Ask us about a consolidated insurance package for your home, cottage, cabin or all of your up north toys!